Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pot Luck 27th April 2013

Happy Spring!
Its been a while since the Clare Veggies have had a day out so we've got a special event planned. Here are the details:
Pot Luck Lunch - bring a vegetarian or vegan dish to share. Nothing fancy, just some home cooked goodness. If you don't have time to cook or bake, come along anyway for the good food and amazing company ;)
Fundraiser for Tracy Stuart. The lovely Tracy is going to India to work with The Hope Foundation Human Rights Law Network on various women's projects such as trafficking of women (and girls). As this is a fundraiser for we will kindly ask all people attending the Pot Luck Lunch to donate €5. If you can't make it on the day but would like to donate anyway you can do so here

Satmya Natural Medicine Centre, 3 Royal Parade, Killaloe. This is a little gem of a venue with a gorgeous botique health store. If you haven't already been here, please pop along. More details at
What time?
We will be tucking in from 2pm. If you are going to be late, I'll try save you some cake ;)
So there are all the details - put the date in the diary. I really hope you will be able to make it as it'll be a really lovely day for such a good cause.
If you need any more info, please contact